Feed and Tend Community-based Organization is composed of a team of dedicated individuals who are self-motivated to do good to humanity, by making a difference in every little way they can. Our expertise spans across a wide range of professions that synergistically contribute to the overall success of our mission.

Paul Musango Obunde
Evangelist Paul is the Founder and CEO of Feed and Tend CBO. He’s a passionate servant of the Lord, and a natural philanthropist who uses what he has to give back to the community. His compassion, charisma, devout faith, and unfailing hope are what gave birth to this amazing and noble course of Jigger Erdadication.

Michael Omollo
Michael Omollo is the secretary and Director of programs at FeedandTend. His youthful vigor, coupled with an undergraduate degree in Applied Chemistry and currently pursuing community health nursing catapults this free-spirited, innovative philanthropist to give all he has to further this humanitarian course.

Brian Leakey
Brian Leakey has vast experience in Information Technology. Together with his spouse, they have a heart to give back to make a difference in the community by touching the lives of the most needy. FeedandTend provides this amazing couple the opportunity to do just that.

Nelson Malele
Malele is a devout Christian, fellowshipping at the International Churches of Christ – ICOC, a business Magnate, and a philanthropist. Through his unrelenting advocacy efforts, FeedandTend has benefited from a plethora of donors. His wisdom and advice are unparalleled – a welcome addition to this noble CBO.

Collins Alubokho Waingo
Collins is a seasoned veteran in the health care industry with over 10 years of success in pharmaceutical sales, leadership, account management, business development and training & development. He holds a master’s degree in management and is very well versed in the science of therapies.

Pauline Okoti
Pauline’s passion is in improving the quality of life through healthcare. She boasts 30 years of experience in healthcare as a registered nurse. Additionally, she has a vast experience in accounting and CBO management that has come in handy in this noble course.

Lucy Leakey
Lucy’s heart is naturally tuned towards giving and helping the needy. She’d rather be in a house of mourning than that of Merry-making:). Her devout faith as a Christian, coupled with her experience as a trained teacher, puts her at a vantage position to empower youth and women in a great dimension. She opines that service to the needy is service to God.